Overview of wisdom teeth removal (extraction) surgery

Wisdom teeth are third molars that can be found at the very back of the mouth and can sometimes cause oral health issues. In those cases, it is necessary to remove your wisdom teeth with a tooth extraction procedure.

Wisdom teeth removal surgery is just that — when a dentist or oral surgeon surgically extracts one or more of your wisdom teeth.

It is important to properly prepare for this surgery and follow instructions for recovery. This can help you feel less discomfort and support the healing process.

Before wisdom teeth removal surgery

If the time is right to remove your wisdom teeth, there are a couple of steps you and your dentist will need to take to prepare for the procedure.

Step 1: Your dentist will examine your wisdom teeth and overall oral health. This exam is sometimes done at the end of a routine dental cleaning but may be performed as a stand-alone procedure — especially if you are experiencing discomfort.  

Your dentist may take X-rays to further assess the position of your wisdom teeth in the jaw. This helps them determine in advance if there are any issues that might complicate the surgery.

Step 2: You will want to ask your dentist for a pre-treatment estimate, so you can understand the costs of the procedure and how much your dental benefits will cover. Your dental office may also ask for your medical insurance information, especially if you will be seeing an oral surgeon for your procedure or using general anesthesia.

Step 3: In the days leading up to the surgery, you should prepare yourself by following any instructions from your dentist or oral surgeon. This could include:

  • Arranging for transportation to and from the location of the surgery, if necessary.
  • Not smoking or vaping for 48 to 72 hours prior to, as well as after, the operation.
  • Fasting after midnight the night before if you will be going under general anesthesia.
  • Brushing your teeth the night before and the morning of the procedure.
  • You will discuss your anesthesia options with your dentist beforehand and choose from:
    • Local anesthesia is used to numb the area around your wisdom tooth or teeth, keeping you awake and comfortable during the procedure.  
    • Sedation anesthesia is given either intravenously (IV) or by taking medication orally. It makes you feel relaxed and sleepy.
    • General anesthesia, which is given either through an IV, gas, or both, and puts you to sleep during the procedure. This is typically used for more complex situations.
  • Other instructions given to you by your dentist.

During wisdom teeth removal surgery

Depending on how many wisdom teeth are being extracted, the surgery typically lasts approximately 45 to 60 minutes, although more complex extractions can take longer. Combined with time for check-in and time in the recovery room, it will likely take about 90 to 120 minutes in total.

Here is what you can expect the day of your operation:

Step 4: Your dentist or oral surgeon will apply a form of anesthesia.

Step 5: During the procedure, your dentist or oral surgeon will:

  • Remove surrounding gum tissue, if it is necessary to fully expose the tooth.
  • Loosen the tooth with specific instruments and remove it from its socket. Sometimes the tooth is cut into sections for easier removal.

Step 6: Next, they will ensure your mouth is clean to prevent infection, apply stitches to close the wound (if needed), and use gauze to stop any bleeding.  

After wisdom teeth removal surgery

Wisdom teeth removal is an outpatient surgery, so you should be able to return home the same day as the operation.

Step 7: You will remain in the recovery room until you are ready to go home, typically 20 to 30 minutes after the surgery. Recovery may be longer if general anesthesia is administered.

Step 8: Your dentist may ask for a follow-up appointment to ensure proper healing.

Step 9: Call your dentist or dental office if you have any questions or concerns once you return home. 

Wisdom teeth removal recovery

The discomfort caused by wisdom teeth removal can vary from person to person, with some people feeling pain and others feeling little to none. Your dentist may prescribe prescription pain medicine following the procedure, but most people are fine with over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen (Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol). The first day or two are usually the most uncomfortable — if your situation does not improve after that, you should consult your dentist.

There are also steps you can take to support your recovery from wisdom teeth removal such as following other instructions from your dentist or oral surgeon and avoiding foods that are hot, spicy, crunchy, or sticky. You should also avoid using a straw for a week after surgery and watch for signs of a dry socket.

Talk to your dentist about your specific situation and possible options. 

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